“In the same way, your Father in heaven is not willing that any of these little ones should perish.” MATTHEW 18:14
In Matthew 18:12-14 Jesus tells the story of a man with one lost sheep. He leaves
the 99 on the hill or open country, in search of that one. We may question, what
dangers the abandoned 99 may encounter. And, if we concentrate on the lost
one, won’t the 99 feel neglected? The main point is: Our Heavenly Father is not
willing that any should perish. His focus is always on the lost. Unlike the sheep,
we are never abandoned for we are here to serve one another and remind each
other to always be concerned for the lost.
Things to think about:
1. Why should so much time, energy, and resources be expended reaching
the lost? How can we keep the congregation from feeling neglected?
2. While it may be difficult for some to come to church in person at this time,
we can still encourage people to check things out at New Life. Share the
weekly devotional with them. Explain how they can listen to each Sunday’s
sermon. Stay involved in their lives by knowing what is going on. Hear their
story. Who are the lost in your life? Pray for them and obey God’s leading.