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 sunday bible school Elementary  material

New Life is utilizing Konnect HQ curriculum provided by Life.Church Resources



About Konnect HQ

This curriculum encourages children to follow the path God has prepared for them. It focuses on one aspect of our God-given purpose that brings God glory. Children will think about the things they are good at, the things they care about, and the experiences they have been through. Kids will better understand who they are, which in turn better prepares them to submit to God and walk in the purpose He has intended for them.



how to use the material

Children watch the message video where they will learn more about that week's topic through characters on screen and will also have worship time! Next, they can watch the teaching segment video. There will be activity supplements and a challenge card that coincide with each video.


**Please note these materials were made for Konnect HQ and they use a point system to reward each task that is completed. New Life Church is using this as a resource during COVID-19 and does not have a reward system in place, however, we encourage parents to work with their children so they may complete each challenge and be rewarded at home! 







Watch One Episode each Sunday along with the teaching segment.

reference or print the activity supplement & challenge card.


Current Lesson - We're the Church

The Church isn’t a building. The Church is people who follow Jesus! In this four-part series, kids learn just what it means to be the body of Christ. By loving each other, caring, and sharing, we can show everyone what God’s Church is all about.

body of christ Message video

teaching segment video

download activity supplement & challenge card

love one another Message video

teaching segment video

activity supplement: Read 1 john 4:7

download challenge card >>

© 2020 by New Life Wesleyan Church.  

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